1. โครงสร้างองค์กรและการออกแบบองค์กร คณะสาธารณสุขศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล |
โดย สุคนธา คงศีล เพชรัตน์ ศิริสุวรรณ |
วารสารบริหารงานสาธารณสุข หน้า 39- 55 |
ปีที่ 13 ฉบับที่ 2 กรกฎาคม - ธันวาคม 2550 |
Link http://phad.ph.mahidol.ac.th/journal_admin/13-2/index.html |
หรือ คลิกที่นี่ เพื้อดาวน์โหลดไฟล์ (.PDF) |
2. การวิจัยนโยบาย คืออะไร และทำอย่างไร |
โดย สุคนธา คงศีล นพ.สุขุม เจียมตน |
วารสารบริหารงานสาธารณสุข หน้า 56-71 |
ปีที่ 13 ฉบับที่ 2 กรกฎาคม - ธันวาคม 2550 |
Link http://phad.ph.mahidol.ac.th/journal_admin/13-2/index.html |
หรือ คลิกที่นี่ เพื้อดาวน์โหลดไฟล์ (.PDF) |
3.Sukhontha Kongsin, Charles S.M. Cameron, Laksami Suebsaeng, and Donald S. Shepard, 1998.. "Levels |
and Determinants of Expenditure on HIV/AIDS in Thailand" in Ainsworth, M., L. Fransen, and M. Over |
(eds.). "Confronting AIDS: Evidence from the Developing World.” Brussels: European Commission. (Chapter 12F). |
4. Jose A. Suaya, Donald S. Shepard, João B. Siqueira, Celina T. Martelli, Lucy C. S. Lum, Lian Huat Tan, |
Sukhontha Kongsin, Sukhum Jiamton, Fàtima Garrido, Romeo Montoya, Blas Armien, Rekol Huy, Leticia |
Castillo, Mariana Caram, Binod K. Sah, Rana Sughayyar, Karen R. Tyo, AND Scott B. Halstead. (2009) |
Cost of Dengue Cases in Eight Countries in the Americas and Asia: A Prospective Study, Am J Trop Med |
Hyg, May 2009; 80: 846 - 855. |
5.Kongsin S., Jiamton S., Watts C., Boonthum A. (2001). “Conducting a household survey on economic |
impact of chronic HIV/AIDS morbidity in rural Thailand.” Journal of Health Science 10(2): 276-289. |
6. Tangchareonsathien V, Phoolchareon W, Pitayarangsarit S, Kongsin S, et al. The Potential Demand for An |
AIDS Vaccine in Thailand, Health Policy, 57(2): 111-139, 2001. |
7.Kamolratanakul P, Sawert H, Kongsin S et al., Economic impact of tuberculosis at the household level INT |
J TUBERC LUNG DIS.; 3(7):596-602,1999. (Awarded the Franz Redeker Prize at the 29th World |
Conference of the IUATLD, November 1998, in Bangkok, Thailand). |
8.Sawert H., Kongsin S., Payanandana V., Akarasewi P., Nunn PP.,Ravigione MC., Costs and benefits of |
improving tuberculosis control. The case of Thailand. Social Science Medicine. ; Vol.44, No.12, pp.1805- |
1816,1997. |
9.Kongsin S., Resks-ngarm S., Assessment of HIVTesting in Blood Donation : Cost Analysis of Routine |
Screening HIV-Antibody and HIV-Antigen Tests in Thailand, Health System Research Journal ; 3 (2) April- |
June 1995 : 90-111. (Paper was presented at the XIth International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver, |
Canada, 1996 which received “Young Investigator Awards) |
10.Kongsin S. Economic Impact of HIV/AIDS Mortality on Households in Rural Thailand. |
Journal of Health Science; 4 (4): Oct-Dec. 1995: 333-344.) |
11.Kongsin S, Phoolchareon W, Tantissak B, Cost analysis of non-hospital settings such as home care |
(Community-based initiatives in prevention, social support/counselling and care)AIDS Division, |
Department of Communicable Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, 1997. |
12.Kongsin S., Unit Cost Calculation and Quality of Life Indicator Measurement. Teaching Module for |
the Master of Public Health (International Programme), Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University, 1996. |
13.Kongsin S., Short Course Training on Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programme: |
International Development Programme, Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University, 1996. |
14.Kongsin S., Punyarattapuntu P, Tanasukarn C, Review State of the ART: Health Care Sector Reform |
Evaluation in term of Indicator Characteristics. (Meta-Analysis), Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University, 1998. |
15.Piyavorawong S, Suebsaeng L., Chandrathat na Ayudhya P, Paosongrit K, Pinijsuwan D, Kasemsuk K, |
Kongsin S Mae Chan Community Hospital and its Community Level intervention,Best Practice Documentation |
on Community Mobilization for HIV/AIDS:Case of Thailand, World Health Organisation, Ministry of Public Health : |
Thailand and the UNAIDS, 1999. |
16.Kongsin S., Jiamton S, Wisasa W. Measurement of the Hib Disease Burden in Thailand in Phase 1b: |
Prospective Study of Meningitis and Pneumonia Attributable to Hib, Department of Communicable Disease Control, |
Ministry of Public Health, Thailand, 2002. |
(UNGASS), COUNTRY REPORT, Reporting period: January-December 2002. |
18.Kongsin S., Kongsin P, Jiamton S, Intraprasong B, Boonthunm A, Tarunothai A, Chumthong P. |
Pilot Study: Potential Benefit of AZT Preventive Therapy in Perinatal HIV Transmission and |
Its Cost-effectiveness Analysis: A Case Study of BMA Medical College and Vajira Hospital,HSRI Research Report, |
974-92745-8-x. January 2005. |
19.Sirikul K, Kongsin S, Takeda M. The External Program Review of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) |
AIDS Prevention and Control Programme: 1992-1995 AIDS Control Division,Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, |
1996. |